Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to know the effect of word card media in
acquiring new english vocabulary at the eleventh grade students of SMA
Mardhatillah NW Penakak. The subjects of this research were the eleventh grade
students of SMA Mardhatillah NW Penakak that of 60 students. This research was
experimental research. To get the data, the researcher used test to know the
influence of treatment using word card in acquiring vocabulary. After collecting
and calcullating the data, the researcher found that the lowest score on pre test was
14 and the highest score was 22 with the total mean (M=17.26) and deviation
standard was 2.33. While on post test, the lowest score was 16 and the highest
score was 24 with total mean (M= 20.56) and deviation standard 2.57. therefore,
word card media has effect in acquiring new english vocabulary at the eleventh
grade students of SMA Mardhatillah NW Penakak.