Abstract :
This study was conducted to know the effect of using simple paragraph outlining
teaching on student writing proficiency. The population of this study was the
elevent grade students of SMA NW Pringgabaya. This study was experimental
research, with two groups of sample: experimental group and control group. Each
group consisted of 20 students, 10 students for experimental group and 10
students for control group. To get the data, the research instruments which were
developed are objective test, which consisted of 30items in form essay test.
After collecting and calculating the data, the researcher found that the mean score
of experimental group in pre-test and post-tests were 17.1 and 20.8, while for
control group pre test and post test were 15.0 and 17.9. In testing the hypothesis,
the researcher used T-Test formula. The researcher found that t-test was 3.39 and
t-table in significant rank with degree freedom (df) =18 were 2.10. Therefore, the
alternative hypothesis was accepted. It means that there is a significant effect of
Simple Paragraphs Outlining Technique towards students’ writing proficiency in
comprehending English texts for the eleventh grade students of SMA NW
Pringgabaya in academic year 2013/2014.