Abstract :
This study was an attempt to compare the English and Indonesian adverbs for the
purpose of teaching English to Indonesian students. It is expected to help the
teachers of English in detecting the learners’ areaof difficulties and in solving the
problems with a more effective way, and to enable the learners to predict the
trouble spots that will be faced while learning English.
The main problems to solve are: (a) how many kinds of the English and
Indonesian adverbs in the novels Communion and Gadis Gurun? (b) What are the
rules of the process of the English and Indonesian adverbs formation in the novels
Communion and Gadis Gurun? ,(c) Where are the position of the English and
Indonesian adverbs in the novels Communion and Gadis Gurun ?.
The object of this study was all based and derived adverbs and new forms used in
English and Indonesian novels: (a) Communion by Whitley Strieber, (b) Gadis
Gurun by Paox Iben Mudhaffar.
The instruments were used to collect the data of this study, namely: making list
and classification.
The collected data are then verified and analyzed. The steps of analysis are: (a)
breaking down the components of the derived or new forms, (b) finding the
relation of the components, (c) knowing the process of adverbs formation, (d)
analyzing the similarities and differences of the kind, formation, and the position
of the English and Indonesian adverbs.
The conclusion of this study are: (a) there six kinds of English adverbs and 12
kinds of Indonesian adverbs. (b) the researcher found some similarities and
differences of English and Indonesian adverbs on the formation. (c) some of the
English and Indonesian adverbs can be placed in three categories of position:
initial/front,middle and the end/final position.