Thematic Structures in The Text of Engllish State Examination (UN) in Junior High School
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Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan
Suryati, Ama
373.2 Sekolah lanjutan (SMP, SMA) 
2020-12-01 06:00:11 
Abstract :
This research was aimed to find out the types of theme and how the thematic structure occurred.. The subject of this research f this study is English test State Examination (UN). The objective of this research was to know the the thematic structures in the text of English State Examination (UN) in junior high school.. This research was conducted in three method each consists? observation, analyzing and validation, documentation. The data were gathered through qualitative data. The result The first types of the most theme in English State Examination (UN) is Experiental Topical. This type occur 35,9% overall. The second is Textual Structural reach 22,8%. The third is Interpersonal Vocative 20,2%, the fourth is Textual Conjunctive reach 12,1%, the fifth is Interpersonal modal 3,07%. The Sixth is Textual conjuctive occur 3,0% and the last is the least used in Junior High School?s English State Examination is Interpersonal Integrative only 1,9%.It means that reading text of the Junior High School?s State Examination (UN) used simple language according to their age, so the students can get exact meaning from reading text of English State Examination (UN). Students easily to undertsand the text, grasp the idea of the text and it will be easier to the finish the State Examination (UN) on English subject in a limit time. The reason why thematic structure are used in reading text of the Junior High School?s State Examination (UN) because theme play important role in the text especially in the paragraph which means theme is the topic sentences. Theme and text are two aspect which cannot be separated one each other aims as signaling the maintenc or progression of what the text is about, specifiying or changing the framework for interpretation, signaling the boundaries of section in the text and signaling the speaker or writer thinks is a viable, useful, important starting. Thematic structure can make students easily to understand the text , grasp the idea of the text and it will be easier to finish the English State Examintion (UN) on English subject in a limit time without translate the whole the text and without cheating to another friend. 
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Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan