Implementasi Layanan Mediasi Dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan
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Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan
Hasibuan, Zulfahmi
2X7.33 Tingkat stanawiyah dan ‘aliyah 
2020-10-13 05:19:09 
Abstract :
Mediation services become very important in an educational institution, it aims to create a more orderly and peaceful environment for madrasah. In this study aims to analyze how the implementation of mediation services in improving the discipline of students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan, with the scope of the problem formulation, namely 1) How does the guidance and counseling teacher handle student problems through mediation services at MAN 3 Medan ?, 2) How can mediation services support the improvement of student discipline at MAN 3 Medan ?, 3) What is the description of the success of mediation services in improving student discipline at MAN 3 Medan ?. The results of the study describe that the mediation service is a counseling service carried out by the counselor to two or more parties who are in a state of mutual compatibility, with the mediation service also indirectly strongly supporting the improvement of student discipline in MAN 3 Medan. The details of the results of the research are 1) Implementation of mediation services through the process or stages of planning, implementation, evaluation, analysis of evaluation results, follow-up and reports. 2) Mediation services in MAN 3 Medan strongly support the improvement of students' discipline, as for the improvement of these disciplines including: a) Mediation services support an increase in discipline in attendance, b) Mediation services support an increase in discipline in the school's discipline and mission and c) Mediation services support increased discipline in the learning process. 3) There is a description of the success of mediation services in improving the discipline of MAN 3 Medan students including, a picture of success in a conducive learning process, a picture of success in carrying out the mission of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan, a picture of success in the MAN 3 Medan environment being safe and orderly and a picture of success in run the rules in MAN 3 Medan. 
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Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan