Pemberian Bantuan Hukum Secara Cuma-Cuma Dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Di Kabupaten Pelalawan
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Universitas Islam Riau
Sinaga, Pinus Julianto
K Law (General) 
2022-04-06 07:40:07 
Abstract :
Implementation providing legal assistance to citizens is efforts to fulfill and guarantee it citizens' rights to needs access to justice ( access to justice ) and equality before the law ( equality before the law ). The legal aid provider is a lawyer or advocate. Legal aid here is free legal assistance- only the ones carried out in the criminal justice system. Basically legal assistance is the right of the poor that can be obtained without paying ( pro bono publico ) as a translation of equality before the law. Legal assistance just- only what is given starts from the police investigation, prosecution prosecutors' office and persecution bro in court. Formulation of the problem in this study i.e. b how is the implementation giving legal aid for free only in the justice system criminal in Pelalawan Regency, what are the obstacles in the implementation of providing legal assistance free of charge- only in justice system pi funds in Pelalawan Regency and what efforts are being made to overcome obstacles in implementation giving legal assistance for free just dal am the criminal justice system in the Regency Pelalawan . This research is a legal research empirical and research nature used is research descriptive. Researchers use primary data that was obtained from Pelalawan District Police, Pelalawan District Attorney and Pelalawan District Court by interview and secondary data obtained h from book- books, journals, and so on M the method of drawing conclusions deductively .Implementation of free legal assistance - only to citizens state in the criminal justice system in the Regency Pelalawan held in stages investigation Police, prosecution prosecution, court examination. Obstacles in the implementation of police investigations : budget funds that do not there is , legal aid providers are inadequate and sanctions are not listed for the helper law , k urang professional pe investigate K epolisan, prosecution Attorney: lack of budget legal aid owned by the Prosecutor's Office, inspection p court: lack of requests to be accompanied and given legal aid, all cases handled are appointed by judges, the budget legal aid which cannot be absorbed optimally , a dvokat still lacking. Efforts carried out: in the police investigation phase namely providing legal aid budgets at the investigation level, increasing and establish cooperation with Legal Aid Institute, conducting training functions and techniques to improve police professionalism, in prosecution The Prosecutor's Office is establishing a communication with an advocate, at the Court that is conduct legal counseling related to legal aid se free way- only, communicating with previous advocates, reporting to the office the territory of the ministry and the law firm pem regional government Provinsi men fund coverage which is not thawed 

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Universitas Islam Riau