Abstract :
This research is entitled Application of Gandasil-D and 16:16:16 NPK Fertilizer on the Growth of Lemongrass Stem Cuttings (Cymbopogon citratus). Under the guidance of Dr. Herman, SP, M.Sc. This research has been carried out in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of Riau. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving Gandasil-D and 16:16:16 NPK Fertilizer on the Growth of Lemongrass Stem Cuttings (Cymbopogon citratus). The design used in this study was a completely randomized factorial design consisting of two factors. The first factor is the concentration of Gandasil-D (D) which consists of 4 levels, namely: 0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 g per liter of water. The second factor is the provision of NPK 16:16:16 (N) which consists of 4 levels, namely: 0; 3.13; 6.25; 9.38 g per plant. Parameters observed were plant height, harvest age, maximum number of tillers, dry weight per plant, root volume, longest root, largest clump girth of one clump. The data were statistically analyzed and continued with the further BNJ test at the 5% level. The results showed that the interaction of Gandasil-D and NPK fertilizer 16:16:16 had an effect on the parameters of harvest age, maximum number of tillers, root volume, and longest root. The best treatment was given gandasil-D as much as 7.5 g/l water and 9.38 g NPK 16:16:16 fertilizer per plant (G3N3). The main effect of giving gandasil-D was real on all observation parameters with the best treatment found in the administration of gandasil-D 7.5 g/l water (G3). The main effect of the dose of NPK 16:16:16 was significant on all observation parameters with the best treatment being NPK 16:16:16 at a dose of 9.38 g/plant (N3).