Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Tindak Pidana Pencurian Kendaraan Bermotor Dengan Kekerasan Di Wilayah Hukum Polresta Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Novianty, Rica Regina
K Law (General) 
2022-04-06 07:40:44 
Abstract :
The development of criminal acts along with the development of the current era. This is inseparable from the development of sophisticated times and does not rule out the emergence of more sophisticated modes of criminal activity. Law enforcement as a process, is the application of discretion that involves making decisions as regulated in the rule of law, but it has an element in its own judgment. The theft of motorized vehicles with violence is a social problem that must be addressed thoroughly. The criminal act of theft with violence has been regulated in Article 365 paragraphs (1) and (3) of the Criminal Code. Efforts or policies that can be taken to prevent and deal with crime include the area of criminal policy. Criminal policy also cannot be separated from broader policies, such as social policies consisting of policies or efforts for social welfare (social-welfare policy) and policies or efforts to protect the community (social-defense policy). The problems that are the object of this research are: First, What are the factors that become obstacles in the implementation of law enforcement against the perpetrators of criminal acts of theft of motorized vehicles with violence in the jurisdiction of Pekanbaru City Police? Second, what are the efforts of the Pekanbaru Police to deal with violent motor vehicle theft crimes in the jurisdiction of the Pekanbaru Police? This type of research is Sociological legal research. The object of research is law enforcement against motor vehicle theft with violence in the Pekanbaru City Police Legal Area. The data source used is Primary data, data obtained directly from the sample of respondents in this study. Data collection techniques using interviews and document studies and literature. In this study the authors used a qualitative analysis, in drawing conclusions using the deductive thinking method. The results of this study are: First, the inhibiting factors in the implementation of law enforcement against the theft of motorized vehicles with violence in the jurisdiction of the Pekanbaru City Police, namely in the process of fulfilling case files up to the P21 stage, searching for evidence, looking for witnesses, gathering witness statements, sometimes witnesses are reluctant questioned for a variety of reasons, Second, the Pekanbaru Police Efforts, namely the act of punishment and non-Penal action. The action taken by the offense is the disclosure of all cases of crime that occurred. The buser and detective departments cooperate in handling, move when there are cases of events reported by the victim. Non-penal efforts, namely the shabara unit conduct routine patrols in places deemed prone to motor vehicle theft, conduct outreach and outreach activities that are in direct contact with the community, provide information related to the modus operandi for students, employees and the community Conduct appeals to the community to reduce activity at night. 

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Universitas Islam Riau