Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Okupasi Kawasan Hutan Negara Di Ekosistem Tesso Nilo Kabupaten Pelalawan
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Universitas Islam Riau
Hendra, Syafri
K Law (General) 
2022-04-07 09:18:15 
Abstract :
Forest is a valuable natural resource as it has many benefits. Based on its function, forests consist of Production Forests, Conservation Forests and Protection Forests. Meanwhile, according to its status, forests consist of State Forests and Private Forests which must be maintained and managed sustainably and wisely. One of the state forest areas in Riau Province is the Tesso Nilo Ecosystem which is a component of Conservation Forests and Production Forests. However, his condition is currently experiencing tremendous degradation due to occupational criminal activities (encroachment of the area) carried out by certain elements both local people and migrants. Various coping efforts have been carried out by the government through the Sorek KPH agency, the TNTN Agency and the Regional Section II of the PPHLHK Balai Region in Sumatra through pre-emptive, preventive and repressive activities. However, it has not been able to overcome the problems that occur so that the destruction of the country's forest areas is still happening today. To find out the problem, a study was carried out under the heading of the Prevention of Occupational Crime in the State Forest Area in the Tesso Nilo Ecosystem, Pelalawan Regency. The main issues discussed are the factors causing occupational crime and how the countermeasures that have been made in the current governance.This type of research is observational research (observational research) that is descriptive analysis and data sources used are primary data sources namely data obtained from respondents or samples relating to the research object, and secondary data sources namely data obtained from literature books that are support with the subject matter discussed. Data collection was carried out through interview respondents and direct observations in the field, then analyzed with the opinions of experts or with legislation that is used as a legal basis in research. The results of the analysis show that the factors causing criminal acts of occupation of state forest areas in the Tesso Nilo Ecosystem are due to increasingly narrow environmental factors that are not balanced with population growth, increasingly difficult economic factors, opportunities or opportunities to obtain new areas, governance policies applied based on decentralization and changes in institutional nomenclature, it is not yet in line with expectations, and the legal system and credibility of law enforcement officers do not all go according to the legal corridor. The government program carried out in the effort to tackle occupational crime has not had a significant effect so that the forestry crime is still ongoing.Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the governance policy and increase the institutional capacity of the manager of the Tesso Nilo Ecosystem, and increase the quantity and quality of resources to deal with the complexity of the problems that occur. 

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Universitas Islam Riau