Abstract :
Law enforcement against money laundering with narcotics origin is a very big problem in the Riau regional police jurisdiction. the law enforcement efforts against the assets of narcotics dealers are very difficult to do, and even if there are assets confiscated through law enforcement efforts, money laundering may not be optimal and weaknesses in law enforcement make narcotics dealers with assets that have not been touched by enforcement leaching criminal law will freely launch its action to circulate narcotics, which can affect the life of the nation and state, especially young people who are very dangerous to narcotics. First, how to conduct law enforcement by the Riau Police Drug Investigation Directorate for the follow-up of money laundering in Riau Province Regional Police, second What are the problems in law enforcement by the Riau Police Drug Investigation Directorate against alleged money laundering in Riau Regional Police, and three must be carried out by the Riau Police Drug Investigation Directorate in overcoming obstacles to law enforcement against acts of money laundering in the Riau provincial police. While the research method used to answer this question is to use observational research methods that directly use primary data and secondary data, while the type of research is descriptive analysis where analyzing data obtained from the field and literature by explaining and finding objects. While the method of discussing it is related legislation and concepts to be a very significant part of this research. The results of the study were obtained through the conclusion that First, the implementation of law enforcement by the Riau Police Drug Investigation Directorate for the crime of money laundering in Riau Provincial Police has not been going well, needs to be improved, needs internal improvement. Secondly, one of the obstacles in the implementation of law enforcement by the Riau Police Drug Investigation Directorate against money laundering lawsuits in Riau Province Regional Police related to the attacker safety investigators in the Directorate of Drug Reversal of the Regional Police is very much needed quality. Third, the efforts made by the Riau Police Narcotics Rejection Directorate in overcoming enforcement barriers