Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pengangkutan Bahan Bakar Minyak Bersubsidi Jenis Premium Oleh Ditpolair Polda Riau Di Wilayah Hukum Polda Riau
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Universitas Islam Riau
Hardianzah, Tri Irwan
K Law (General) 
2022-04-07 09:20:02 
Abstract :
Transportation of fuel subsidized by the government to the community has been a deviation with the aim of obtaining profits of individuals or business entities by harming the interests of the public and the State. Therefore eradicating the crime of fuel transportation will not get common ground or solving the problem if we only expect and wait for the results of investigations from the government, but must also involve all elements of the community members who are expected to contribute to the eradication of the crime of transporting subsidized fuel. The transportation of subsidized fuel that often occurs in the jurisdiction of the Riau Police Directorate General has been very worrying. Over the past 2-3 years, the Riau Police Directorate General of Police has succeeded in securing subsidized fuel transport vessels, both diesel and premium types, which do not have a transportation permit from the relevant agency Based on the background above, the problem that will be answered in this thesis research is about Law Enforcement on Transportation of Premium Subsidized Fuel Oil by the Riau Police Ditpolair in the Riau Regional Legal Area and the Obstacles or Constraints in Law Enforcement of the Transportation of Subsidized Fuel Oil by Premium Types Riau Police Ditpolair In Riau Regional Police Jurisdiction This type of research is an observational survey by survey, which is research that takes data directly from the population / respondent by conducting interviews as a data collection tool, then from the data taken is processed so that conclusions are obtained by deductive method. Meanwhile, if seen from its nature, this research is descriptive in nature, a research that explains in clear and detailed sentence about law enforcement against the transportation of premium type subsidized fuel by the Riau Police Ditpolair in the Riau Regional Police Legal Area From the results of this research, it can be seen that Law Enforcement Against Transportation of Premium Subsidized Fuels By Ditpolair Riau Regional Police in the Riau Regional Police Jurisdiction has been running optimally, but still, the act of transporting these subsidized fuels is carried out by the perpetrators, and therefore Ditpolair Polda Riau continues to enforce the law by taking action against the perpetrators of the crime of transporting subsidized fuel in the Riau Regional Police area, while the Obstacles or Obstacles in Law Enforcement Against Transportation of Premium Type Subsidized Fuels by the Riau Police Directorate General include law enforcement factors, factors facilities and facilities as well as the legal culture of the people who do not understand and comply with the prohibition of transporting subsidized fuel which do not have transportation documents based on Law No. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas 

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Universitas Islam Riau