Abstract :
Based on observation, the athlete ability to forehand is still in accurate and directional, it can be seen that the forehand done by an athlete is easily returned by the opponent, the placement of the athlete ball is in accurate due to lack of strength when punching, the athlete blows with origin or just a ball into the opponent field, the ball is often stuck on the net the field due to the lack of accuracy of the athlete punch, then the athlete does not think of the right direction to place the ball. This study aims hand coordination to the ability of forehand punches of PTM Mandiri junior table tennis athlete. This research is a correlation research using product moment correlation. Because the population in this study amounted to 11 athletes. Then the researcher determined the entire population to be sampled with 11 athletes. Sampling technique is a saturated sample technique because the entire population is sampled. The result of this study indicate that there is a contribution of 77 % eye and hand coordination to the ability of forehand punch table tennis athlete junior PTM Mandiri.