Penerapann Rescheduling Dalam Penyelesaian Kredit Macet Pada PT. Bank Riau Kepri TBK. Cabang Pasir Pengaraian
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Universitas Islam Riau
Dewi, Yessy Oktavia
K Law (General) 
2022-04-12 10:15:38 
Abstract :
Rescheduling is one of the steps taken by PT. Bank Riau Kepri, Tbk Branch of PasirPengaraian in the settlement od bad loans by changing the terms of problem loans, especially by making changes to the payment term. Customers who have non-perfoming loans are given relief with an extension of the payment term and the amount of installments adjusted to the ability of customers by taking into account the customer?s good faith in the settlement of bad loans through this rescheduling.Based on the background above, the problems of this study are (1) How is the implementation of rescheduling in the settlement of bad loans at PT. Bank Riau KepriTbk, Branch of PasirPengaraian ? and (2) How are the obstscles to the rescheduling in the settlement of bad loans at PT. Bank Riau Kepri, Tbk Branch of PasirPengaraian ? The purpose of this study was to determine the application of rescheduling in the settlement of bad loans at PT. Bank Riau KepriTbk, Branch of PasirPengaraian and to find out thechallenges of rescheduling in the settlement of bad loans at PT. Bank Riau KepriTbk, Branch of PasirPengaraian. This research is an observational research by direct survey of spaciousness to get the data needed as scientific writing resources. The nature of this research is descriptive which describes the application and the constraints of the application of rescheduling at PT. Bank Riau Kepri, Tbk Branch of PasirPengaraian. The data used are primary data in the form of interviews, and also supported by secondary data. The analysis of this research was carried out using a qualitative normative approach, while the coclusions were drawn inductively. Based on the result of research and discussion note thet the application of rescheduling in the settlement of bad loans at PT. Bank Riau Kepri, TbkBarnch of PasirPengaraian done by providing a change in the period of time by extending the payment period, where the remaining principal debt of the customer used as new financingin accordance with the value of the installment and ability to pay curtomers. The obstacle of impelemting rescheduling is the financial problems experienced by customers who are still unable to fulfill their obligations to settle bad loans that have been rescheduled by banks. 

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Universitas Islam Riau