Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Lingga Nomor 13 Tahun 2011 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Kepariwisataan (Studi Di Desa Benan Kecamatan Katang Bidare Kabupaten Lingga)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Ardiyansyah, Ardiyansyah
JA Political science (General) 
2022-04-09 06:31:26 
Abstract :
This research discusses the tourism sector in the village of Benan Katang Bidare District Lingga by looking at the policy on the regulations that exist in the development of the maritime tourism of Benan village known as Benan Island as Top destinations in Lingga Regency. The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of regulation of Lingga District Number 13 year 2011 about tourism in developing in achieving the objectives of the policy in the village Benan District Katang Bidare Lingga District By describing the implementation of the availability of infrastructure, travel promotion, environmental hygiene in developing and achieving the destination of tourism in Benan village that has been established by two As the top destination of Lingga Regency. This research uses qualitative descriptive type by the theory of Marlee Grindle (1980) as an analysis knife consisting of Conten of Policyi (policy contents) with an indicator of the importance of influence, type of benefits, The degree of change to be achieved, the location of decision-making, the implementation of the program, the resources used and the Contexs of Implemention (the environmental policy that the indicator is the power, interests and strategies of the Actors involved, a kareakteristic institution and the ruling regime, the level of obedience and the response of the executor. With data collection instruments are interviews, observations and documentation in this study. The results of this study showed that in general the implementation of regional regulation of Lingga District No. 13 of 2011 about tourism in Benan village, Katang Bidare District has been running well, judging by the efforts and tourist activities That has been done so far by the tourism department, Youth and the sport of Lingga district, but among the success of the tourism efforts and activities should involve all stakeholders in the planning, implementation and implementation of In improving the success that has been made in making Benan village as the flagship destination of Lingga Regency. 

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Universitas Islam Riau