Abstract :
Recognizing the importance of the meaning and position of integrity development, especially in building anti-corruption awareness, it is deemed necessary to conduct training through a cultural approach that is comprehensive, systematic and leadership-driven. So that it is considered necessary to provide a deep understanding through education and training to implement the development of a culture of integrity. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the implementation of training in the development of a culture of integrity and inhibiting factors in the management of training in the development of integrity culture within the Riau Provincial Government through the Human Resources Development Agency Riau Province. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method, which is a design that makes it easy for researchers to record, monitor and follow the process of an event or activity of
Human Resources Development Agency in Riau Province. The role of Human Resources Development Agency in the Management of Training on the Development of Integrity Culture in the Riau Provincial Government Environment has been carried out well, except that it has not been fully maximized because there are still some corrections and improvements to the evaluation results for the good of future education. Based on several inhibiting factors, the authors recommend Human Resources Development Agency Riau Province to make more optimal coordination in the implementation of education and training, provide quality human resources in the preparation of learning modules and immediately harmonize the Regional Regulation on Education and Training for Integrity Culture Development to be mixed.