Abstract :
In running a fan-fried banana business, entrepreneurs are faced with on several problems faced, including: the use of technology which is still simple, there are other entrepreneurs who are competitors and limited price information, so that it will have an impact on the acceptance and profit received by the entrepreneur. This study aims to analyze (1) characteristics of business actors and business profile of Kuantan Fan Fried Banana II, (2) the financial feasibility of the Kuantan Fan Fried Banana II business and (3) business sensitivity of Kuantan Fan Fried Banana II. This research was conducted in Sekip Village, Limapuluh Subdistrict, Pekanbaru City, which was carried out from
November 2019 to March 2020. This study used the method
case survey on the Kuantan Fan Fried Banana II business. Respondents in This research was taken by purposive sampling, namely business owners and Kuantan Fan Fried Banana business employees II. Collected data includes primary data and secondary data. The results showed that (1) the characteristics of entrepreneurs are in the productive age group, namely 51 years and the age of the employees is in the productive age, which is an average of 23.74 years. Entrepreneur education level 12 years (SMA), and average education level employees 11.52 years (SMP). The number of dependents of the entrepreneur's family, which is 3
souls and an average of 2 employees. 29 years of business experience and employees an average of 4.10 years. Business Profile of Kuantan Fan Fried Banana II was founded in 1991 until now. Fan Fried Banana business scale Kuantan II is included in small and medium enterprises. (2) Business feasibility analysis financial investment criteria indicate that the Fan Fried Banana business Kuantan II is feasible to run. (3) The results of the sensitivity analysis show The Kuantan II Fan Fried Banana business is sensitive when there is a price drop selling at 2.12% with an NPV of Rp. 9,759,920,357/year, IRR value 698%, Net B/C Ratio 39.50 and payback period is 1 year 15 days.