Abstract :
Based on Government Regulation No. 43 of 2014 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law No. 6 About the Village Article 154 explains the duty of the sub-district head to foster and oversee the administration of the village administration. Then to reinforce the Camat's task, Government Regulation No.17 of 2018 concerning sub-districts, which in article 10 letter (g) is reaffirmed regarding the duty of the Camat in fostering and supervising the administration of village government. the problem that occurred in Lingga Subdistrict is that there are still many villages that are less capable in implementing village government, so that the evaluation that will be carried out by the regional government is too late. because in the village administration implementation report contained in the reporting of the implementation of the previous year, the plan for village administration for a period of 5 (five) months remaining term of office, results achieved, and things that are deemed need improvement. This study used a qualitative research method, the location of the research was in Lingga District, Lingga Regency, the Camat Task was viewed from 3 (three) villages, namely Nerekeh Village, Mepar Village, and Panggak Darat Village. From the results of
the study, it was found that the Lingga Sub-District Head had carried out his task but it was not optimal. This is because the duties and responsibilities of the Camat are too many so that the Camat has difficulty in stamping training and supervision of the administration of the village administration in its area. this is aggravated by the number of villages which are already quite large in 10 (ten) villages, as well as the distance and geographical area of more waters making it difficult for the Camat to provide guidance and supervision of village administration. Another thing that becomes an obstacle for the Camat is that there are still many village heads who ignore the Camat's direction and the incompetence of the village apparatus makes the guidance made by the Camat or related offices slow to be understood by the village head and his apparatus.