Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the dance aesthetics of the Kehormatan Daulat Negeri dance in Mahratu Studio, Pekanbaru City, Riau Province. Kehormatan Daulat Negeri dance is a dance that is danced to welcome guests and is dedicated to honor the guests of the country or the great guests who come. Kehormatan Daulat Negeri dance is a dance creation with a tradition. This dance is inspired by Malay traditional dance viz Sekapur Sirih dance or commonly known as Persembahan Melayu dance. The formulation of the problem in this study are: How is the Aesthetics of Motion of the Kehormatan Daulat Negeri dance in the Mahratu studio Pekanbaru City Riau Province? This study uses qualitative methods and the research subjects numbered 6 people as speakers. Data collection techniques used are, observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The results of research on the aesthetics of the Kehormatan Daulat Negeri dance in Mahratu Studio, Pekanbaru City, Riau Province. can be seen from the 3 elements of beauty, namely the form or appearance, weight or content and appearance. The form or form can be seen from the movements in this dance. The form or form of motion in this dance is divided into 2 types namely the female dancer movement and also the male dancer movement. The female dancer movement has 10 types of movements, including: (1) Salam, (2) Sambut, (3) Sembah, (4) Penyambutan, (5) Siku Keluang, (6) Pucuk Rebung, (7) Transisi, (8) Salam Akhir, (9) Sholawat, dan (10) Sembah Akhir. While the male dancer's movement has 7 kinds of movements, including: (1) Penyambutan, (2) Siku Keluang, (3) Pucuk Rebung, (4) Transisi, (5) Salam Akhir, (6) Sholawat, dan (7) Sembah Akhir. The weights or contents of the movements that have different weights or contents, the appearance can be seen from the dancers who are skillfully dancing the Daulat Honor dance. The weight or content of this dance move is to describe a happy, happy, cheerful iv iv and fun atmosphere. The idea or idea of the creation of this dance is inspired by the Malay traditional dance, namely the Sekapur Sirih dance or usually known as the Malay Offering dance that serves to welcome invited guests who attended an event. The Dance of Honor of the Daulat Negeri also has the meaning of expressing gratitude to Allah SWT and the happiness of the Malay community in welcoming the invited guests. Appearance of the Daulat Honorary Dance performed by dancers who have talent and also skills in dancing this dance, of course the dancers do the exercise first before they perform this dance. At the time of the appearance of dancers wearing makeup, then dancers both female dancers and male dancers wore daily Malay costumes, and at the appearance of male dancers using property to dance this dance.