Abstract :
This study aims to describe the teaching of cultural arts (singing of the song bertangga major diatonic and minor tones) in class V. B SD Negeri 42 Pekanbaru school year 2019/2020. The method used in this research is a descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques taken there are 3 namely observation techniques, interviews and documentation. The study subject of 29 people is 1 educator and 28 students in class V. B SD Negeri 42 Pekanbaru. In the implementation of learning educators are guided to the curriculum, syllabus, teaching Implementation plan (RPP), methods, facilities and infrastructure and evaluation. The results showed that educators in conducting cultural arts teaching in the V. B class are already in accordance with the learning devices and curriculum used in the 2013 curriculum. The learning planning organized by educators is RPP, while syllabus is provided by the central government. The material taught in this cultural arts learning is the art of music that is the understanding and features of the song Bertangga major diatonic and minor tones. Because students are required to be able to sing the song with a major diatonic and minor tone, the educator uses the drill method so that students can conduct exercises continuously with repeated repetitious. The facilities and infrastructure used by educators in the implementation of cultural art teaching are the theme books, Pianics, mobile phones and speakers. While in the evaluation or assessment The educator uses two aspects, namely the instrument of assessment of knowledge and skills. In the implementation of the teaching of Cultural arts sang the Bertangga song major diatonic and minor tones on the knowledge aspects of all learners reached the KKM with a percentage of 91.61 and on the skill aspect of the whole learners reached the KKM with a percentage of 92.68.