Abstract :
This study aims to determine and analyze the results of the implementation of the tasks of the Village Head in the Administration of Village Government in the Village Kelombok Lingga District Lingga Regency and to find out and analyze obstacles or obstacles experienced in analyzing the results of the Implementation of the Village Head's Duties in Implementing Village Government in Kelombok Village, Lingga District Phallus. This research is in the form of field research by means of a descriptive quantitative survey processed interview, given the number of population that is not too much, the researchers tried to meet the source population of the respondent. based on the respondents described in the study, the researchers obtained data from the results of formulating questionnaires, observations and interviews with open nature and in-depth interviews to obtain more accurate information. To analyze the data, in this case the data that has been collected is grouped according to the type of data respectively then presented in the form of a interview interview Likert scale data The data that has been presented is in the form of a description then an interview in the form of an interview narrative, and the observations are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in the form of descriptive in the form of depictions that occur in the field, that is, from the results of the discussion that has been done, the writer recapitulates the conclusions of 6 indicators in which 3 indicators are effectiveness, efficiency, leveling, adequacy, accuracy and responsiveness. Evaluation of the Implementation of Village Chief's Duties in Implementing Village Government in Kelombok Village, Lingga District, Lingga Regency is considered to be Good Enough. So there is still a need for improved performance in a better way.