Abstract :
Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police Unit in government affairs in the field of peace and public order as well as community protection in the effort to enforce the regulation of billboards, this has not been done to the fullest so billboards appear to still be in violation of the established rules. Implementation of the achievement of the duties of the Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police Unit in Ordering the Billboard through Effectiveness, Efficiency, Adequacy, Flattening, Responsiveness, Accuracy, The purpose of this study was to determine the Implementation of the Task Force of the Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police in Ordering the Billboard as well as to know the factors of the obstacles in the Implementation of the Task Force of the City Civil Service Police in Ordering the Advertising. The research method used is a quantitative method. The results of the implementation of the Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police Task Force in the Control of Billboards through the six indicators are in the category "Implemented" with a value of 23 respondents with a percentage of 57%. The conclusion in this study is that the Implementation of the Task Force of the Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police in the Control of Billboards has not been carried out to the maximum, It is known that there are still a lot of billboards displayed that violate the rules because of the absence of enforcement measures such as raids, patrol activities and strict sanctions against advertisement ownership in violation of regulations. However, the authors suggest that the Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police Unit be able to apply the timing of patrol activities, the granting of sanctions for advertisement ownership is against the rules, and cooperating with the community in applying advertisement regulations.