Abstract :
This study aims to determine the extent of Enforcement of the Regional Regulation of Karimun Regency Number 07 of 2013 concerning Waste Management (a study in the Kundur Barat District of Karimun Regency) and to find out the inhibiting factors. The research theory used is Talizhiduhu Ndraha (2003: 126) in the concept of administration and administration in Indonesia believes that evaluation is a process of comparing standards with facts and analyzing the results. Evaluation evaluation indicators used include the condition of garbage transportation, public order in garbage disposal, sanctions and fines. This type of research located in the District of West Kundur is a quantitative method with a descriptive type. With the questionnaire as a data collection tool, and the data collected is then presented as the main raw material for evaluating regulations with the aim of the research at the location under study. There are two population groups and the sample in this study are government employees with a sample size of 5 people and the community sample size of 50 people. Three sampling techniques used in determining individual samples are the census technique for the population Head of the Office of the Environment, Camat and Lurah, the Random Sampling technique for population groups namely the Village Head, the Incidental Sampling technique for the population population group. The types and data collection techniques used consist data, primary data were collected using a questionnaire list technique and secondary data were collected using observation techniques. While the data analysis technique used is to use a frequency table tool. Based on this analysis technique, the researcher assessed and concluded that the Regional Regulation Evaluation of Karimun District Number 07 of 2013 concerning Waste Management in kundur barat sub-district was at a fairly good evaluation interval. The obstacle in this research is that funding which is still lacking in waste management can be seen from the facilities and infrastructure of waste management, lack of public awareness, and weak field supervision regarding sanctions and fines.