Abstract :
This study aims to find out how the role of the Honorary Board in upholding the discipline of members of the Regional House of Representatives of Rokan Hulu Regency and to know the inhibiting factors that influence the role of the Honorary Board in Enforcing Discipline of Members of the Rokan Hulu Regency Representative Council. Qualitative survey processed interviews, considering the number of informants is not too much, the researchers tried to meet the source of informants from key informants. based on the informant described in the study, the researcher obtained the results data from formulating interviews with open nature and in-depth interviews to obtain more accurate information. To analyze the data, in this case the collected data are grouped according to the type of data respectively then presented in the form of interview narratives presented in the form of interview narratives, and the observations are analyzed qualitatively in the form of descriptive depictions that occur in the field, namely, from the results the discussion that has been done, the writer recaps conclusions from 3 indicators which are 3 indicators namely Active Role, Passive Role, and Participatory Role which are concluded in the Good Enough category.