Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Ritel Terhadap Kepuasaan Pelanggan Pada Konsumen Swalayan Idayu Pandau Perm Pandau Jaya Kec. Siak Hulu Kab. Kampar
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Universitas Islam Riau
Putri, Frisca Yolandha
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2022-04-13 04:06:08 
Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of the retail marketing mix on customer satisfaction Idayu Perm Swalayan. Pandau Jaya kec. Siak Hulu district. Kampar. The research method used in this research is descriptive and quantitative methods. The research subjects were 100 people. To determine the effect of the dependent variable, a simple linear regression equation was used. The marketing mix can be combined and combined in such a way as to satisfy existing customers. The results of this study indicate that the retail marketing mix variable has a significant effect on customer satisfaction at Idayu Perm Supermarkets. Pandau Jaya Kec. Siak Hulu Kab. This means that the better the application of retail marketing at Idayu Supermarkets, the higher the level of customer satisfaction. 

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Universitas Islam Riau