Abstract :
Rice or rice is a basic food requirement for more than 90% of Indonesia's population. Paddy rice is the most cultivated crop in Riau Province, among other food crops such as corn, cassava, peanuts, sweet potatoes, soybeans, and green beans. This study aims to: (1) Analyze the characteristics of rice farmers; (2) Analyzing how the use of production factors in paddy rice farming is carried out; (3) Analyzing the cost of production, income, and efficiency of paddy farming. This research uses survey method. Sampling was carried out by simple random sampling, and 30 farmers were selected as samples from a total population of 140 farmers. The data used in this study are primary data obtained directly through interviews, and secondary data. Data analysis in this study used descriptive qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis methods. The results of the study are: (1) Farmer characteristics, namely: the average age of farmers is 52.53 years which means that they are in productive age; average length of education is 9.13 years or equivalent to grade 3 in junior high school; the average rice farming experience is 17.87 years; and the average dependents of farm families are 3 people. (2) The use of factors of production: a). the area of land used is 0.93 ha; (b) seeds as much as 19.45 kg / arable / MT; (c) fertilizer: NPK / phonska 111.83 kg / arable / MT, urea 98.50 kg / arable / MT, SP-36 38.67 kg / arable / MT, KCl 28.67 kg / arable / MT, and organic fertilizer as much as 764 kg / arable / MT or; (d) The use of Tabas pesticides 142.42 ml / arable / MT, dharmabas 194.66 ml / arable / MT, and fujiwan 645.83 ml / arable / MT; (e) labor requirements of 24.92 HOK / arable / MT; (f) all tools and machines use an average of one unit. (3) Production costs incurred in the amount of Rp. 6,601,541 / arable / MT, where the largest costs incurred for labor costs amounted to Rp. 2,491,878 or around 37.75% of the total costs; Gross income is Rp. 22,008,833 / arable / MT, with a production of 5,118 kg and GKP price of 4,300 / kg; Net income is Rp. 15,407,292 / arable / MT; efficiency or RCR is obtained at 3.33, which means that the paddy farming in Muara Uwai Village is profitable and feasible to be cultivated.