Abstract :
Bina Usaha Cooperative is a cooperative located in Benayah Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency, the Bina Usaha cooperative was established in 2004. Currently the Bina Usaha cooperative has 216 members. The objectives of this study are: 1) Analyzing the characteristics of members, management, employees and the profile of Bina Usaha cooperatives in Benayah Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency, 2) The level of cooperative performance and participation of members of Bina Usaha cooperatives in Benayah Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency, 3) The relationship between level of performance with the level of participation of members of the Cooperative Business Development in Benayah Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency. The method used in this research is multistage sampling. The results showed that the characteristics of members of the Cooperative Business Development are generally male (81.66%). The characteristics of the caretakers are generally male. Characteristics of employees are generally female. The age of members, management, and employees of the Cooperative Business Cooperative are classified as productive age with an average age of 42.67, 29.5 and 51.63 years. The level of education of members is still relatively low with an average of 7.97 years. The average level of education of the board is 9 years. The average employee education level is 12 years. The average experience of a member of a Cooperative Development Community is 9.91 years. The average management experience of a cooperative is 7 years. The average cooperative employee experience is 9 years. The average number of family member dependents is 3.33. Number of dependents of the management family with an average of 3. Number of dependents of the average employee's family 1. Number of members' average income of Rp 2,703,466.67. The average amount of management revenue is Rp 2,100,000.00. The total employee income is Rp. 1,500,000.00. The overall performance evaluation of Business Development cooperatives is as follows: 1 person is poor or (1.67%), 58 people is good (98.33%), 1 person is very good or (1.67%). The level of participation of members of the Cooperative Cooperative as a whole is as follows: either 10 people or (16.67%), very good 50 people or (83.33%). The relationship between cooperative performance and the participation of cooperative members who have a significant correlation is the performance of cooperatives in the business sector (0.749 **). The performance of cooperatives in the service sector (0.672 **). Performance in the field of leadership (0.638 **) and the relationship of X to Y (0.692 **) at the test level of 1 percent (very significant). The meaning of cooperative performance has a strong closeness to member participation. Suggestions in this study of the level of formal education in members of the Cooperative Business Development are still low need to be made training and counseling from agricultural extension to improve the ability and insight of cooperative members, and the management and employees of cooperatives should improve the performance of cooperatives so that cooperative members want to participate in activities cooperative activities.