Abstract :
Value for Money Analysis in the Performance Accountability Report of Government Agencies (LAKIP) of Riau Province's Regional Development Planning Agency is the title of this study. The program was discovered to be not running and had not reached the objective in Bappeda's LAKIP. As a result, it was important to assess the program's economic, efficient, and effective performance. The goal of this study is to use the notion of value for money to assess the performance of Bappeda Riau Province. Quantitative research is the name for this type of study. The data used is from the Riau Province Bappeda's Government Agency Performance Accountability Report (LAKIP) for 2018 and 2019. Interviews and documentation are used to gather information. Quantitative analysis employing the value for money method, which includes economic, efficiency, and effectiveness assessments, was utilized to analyze the data The results of the first study, which looked at the level of economic ratios in 2018 and 2019, revealed that the average economic ratio was <100%, indicating that the Bappeda of Riau Province's program was regarded cost-effective. Second, the average efficiency ratio in 2018 is >100%, indicating that the program conducted by the Bappeda of Riau Province is efficient. Meanwhile, in 2019, the average efficiency ratio was <100%, indicating that the program conducted by the Riau Province Bappeda was ineffective. Third, the effectiveness ratio level in 2018 and 2019 shows that the average effectiveness ratio is <100%, indicating that the performance indicators established by the Bappeda of Riau Province are ineffectual.