Abstract :
Increased household income affects household expenditure in meeting food and non-food needs. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of oil palm farmers, farm household income structure, farm household expenditure, factors affecting farm household expenditure, and analyze the welfare of independent oil palm farmers in Kabun District, Rokan Hulu Regency. This study used a survey method conducted in Kabun District, Rokan Hulu Regency, samples were taken from 6 villages namely Kabun, Aliantan, Koto Ranah, Bencah Kesuma, Batulangka, and Giti Villages. This research was conducted in June 2019 until December 2019. Samples were taken by simple random sampling, as many as 60 independent oil palm farmers. The results showed that oil palm farmers were of productive age, farmers in general had a high school education, the number of family members was generally 5 people and farmers had experience in farming, with an average land area of 4 hectares. Structure of household income comes from oil palm farming income, nonoil palm farming and non-farming, the highest income of farmer households comes from oil palm farming income with a percentage of 91%. Household expenditure consists of food and non-food expenditure, the highest expenditure of farm household is non-food consumption expenditure with a percentage of 52.54%. From the estimation of the oil palm farmer household expenditure model, it shows the income and the number of family members significantly influences the oil palm farmer household expenditure. The household income response, education and the number of family members is inelastic. The implication is that this change does not have a major impact on palm oil farmer household expenditure. The oil palm farmer household in Kabun District of Rokan Hulu Regency is prosperous because the monthly per capita income is above the poverty line of Rokan Hulu Regency.