Strategi Pemasaran Salai Lele Dumbo (Studi Kasus Pada Usaha Patin Sejahtera) Di Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis Provinsi Riau
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Universitas Islam Riau
Nensi, Rahayu
S Agriculture (General) 
2022-04-13 07:30:27 
Abstract :
This study aims to analyze 1) the characteristics of business actors and the business profile of Dumbo catfish, 2) internal and external factors that influence the marketing of Dumbo catfish, and 3) The marketing strategy of Dumbo catfish. This research was conducted for 6 months starting from December 2018 to May 2019, using SAP internal analysis, ETOP external analysis and SWOT analysis on the Patin Sejahtera business in Mandau District. 31 respondents consisted of entrepreneurs taken by census, catfish salted fish traders and restaurant entrepreneurs were taken by purposive sampling and consumers (households) were taken by incidental sampling. Data collected consists of primary data and secondary data. The results showed: 1) the age characteristics of 33 year old entrepreneurs, the age of salai fish traders and restaurant entrepreneurs an average of 38 years and consumers (households) an average of 45 years. The length of education of entrepreneurs is ? 12 years, salai fish traders and restaurant entrepreneurs an average of 9 years and consumers (households) an average of 12 years. The experience of trying a businessman of catfish catfish for 9 years, salai fish traders, restaurant entrepreneurs and consumers on average 0-15 years. The dependents of the entrepreneur's family are 3 people, salai fish trader and restaurant entrepreneur are an average of 5 people and consumers (households) are an average of 3 people. Usaha Patin Sejahtera was established in 2011. Business scale is a small business. The use of production facilities such as ponds namely tarpaulin ponds and earthen ponds as many as 4 ponds with a width of 4 x 3 m2 and a length of 4 x 6 m2. Raw material for Dumbo catfish is obtained from the Bangkinang and Rupat Islands. A workforce of 5 including entrepreneurs. Business capital used comes from own capital, 2) SAP internal factors state that businesses are in a strong position and external factors ETOP states that businesses are in an ideal business position and mature business, with the level of threat to mature businesses relatively low so the level is very distress tends to be small. 3) The results of the SWOT analysis of the Dumbo catfish business are located in quadrant I, namely the SO strategy (Strength and Opportunities), and the formulation of the strategy is in the investment position (I), that is, using the strengths they have to take advantage of business opportunities. Based on the analysis of SAP, ETOP and SWOT the Patin Sejahtera business obtained a business strategy that is one goal and is equally beneficial. 

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Universitas Islam Riau