Abstract :
The purpose of this research is how the effectiveness of interpersonal communication between homeroom teacher and students in an effort to improve children's learning discipline in 002 Sipungguk Primary School Salo District, Kampar Regency. Interpersonal communication is a process of communication that takes place between two or more people face to face. Learning discipline is an attitude that obeys and complies with a rule that applies during the teaching and learning process. Without regulations, discipline will not be achieved. In this study, researchers used quantitative methods to obtain research data with a sampling technique using total sampling in the amount of 73 respondents. The research questionnaire method uses a Likert scale. Data validity test results obtained are declared valid all of the 73 respondents using the product moment formula. The data reliability test results obtained stated reliable using the Croncbach?s alpha formula. Hypothesis testing uses the Pearson correlation test and a simple linear regression test. The results obtained in this study with the Pearson correlation test that is known to a significance value of 0,000 < 0,05 and also known the Pearson correlation value of 0.787, the test results obtained are correlated with the guidelines for the degree of Pearson correlation relationships obtained that is 0,61 - 0,80, which means strongly correlated, so that there is a closeness of positive interpersonal communication relationships with student learning discipline with strong relationship closeness criteria. Then proceed with a simple linear regression test that is known T count of 10,731 > T table 1,994, with a significance of 0,000 < 0,05, so it can be concluded that the variable (X), namely interpersonal communication, influences the variable (Y), namely learning discipline.