Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Instagram Dalam Komunikasi Politik Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti
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Universitas Islam Riau
Sohi, Adam Muhammad
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-04-13 07:37:34 
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to find out the ultilization of instagram social media in the Political Communication of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Kepulauan Meranti Regency. To find out the obstacles of PR in managing Instagram social media in the Political Communication of the Regent and Deputy Regent of the Kepulauan Meranti Regency. This study uses a qualitative research method by taking informants who have knowledge about the Kepulauan Meranti Regency and become followers of the Maspro-kepulauanmeranti instagram account. Data according to type and source in the form of primary and secondary data with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. This study uses a data triangulation validity technique that was and carried out to analyze the data qualitatively and draw conclusions of the study. The use of instragram social media in the political communication of the Regent and Deputy Regent of the Kepulauan Meranti District has been carried out with the Maspro-islands account, the more widespread use of the Maspro-kepulauanmeranti account is in the context of the inauguration of government activities, educational institution meetings, religious activity gatherings, health building venues and health activities, inauguration of cultural activities, sports activities, and tourism activities. The obstacles in political communication that are carried out on the Maspro-kepulauanmeranti Instagram account are internal barriers in the form of technical problems faced by the management of the Maspr-kepulauanmeranti and external Instagram account in the form of a small number of followers on the account. 

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Universitas Islam Riau