Abstract :
Member satisfaction is the key to success for an organization, therefore satisfaction with the services provided by cooperatives needs to be examined. This study aims to analyze: 1. Characteristics of members, management and employees of Sumber Rezeki Farmer Cooperative Binabaru Village, Kampar Kiri Tengah District Kampar Regency, 2. The level of service quality of Sumber Rezeki Farmer Cooperative service, 3. Level of member satisfaction with Sumber Rezeki Farmer Cooperative services. The research was conducted by survey method by placing a case study in Sumber Rezeki Cooperative Binabaru Village, Kampar Kiri Tengah District, Kampar Regency. This research was conducted for 6 months starting in January 2019 until June 2019. Samples were taken as many as 40 members taken randomly. Analysis of the characteristics of members, management and employees using descriptive qualitative, analysis of the level of service performance of Sumber Rezeki Cooperative services using IPA analysis, while the analysis of the level of member satisfaction with services using CSI and SERVQUAL analysis. The results showed that members of the Sumber Rezeki Farmers Cooperative were generally male (80%). Classified as productive age with an average age of 48.22 years. The level of education is still relatively low, namely elementary school with an average length of education (7.82 years). The average number of family dependents is 1-2 people (47.50%). Managers and employees are male with an average number (70%). Classified as productive age average age of 38.46. The level of education is relatively high, namely the average high school length of education (3.25 years). The average number of family dependents is 1-2 people or (53.84%). The quality of service performance of Sumber Rezeki Cooperative Cooperative by using 5 dimensions Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Emphaty found the results of the calculation of the average importance level of 4.22 and 4.34 performance level means that the quality of service performance is very satisfied. The level of service satisfaction of members of the Sumber Rezeki Farmers Cooperative service quality was found to be an average calculation result using CSI analysis based on 5 dimensions Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Emphaty found the value of the Weight Score (WS) score of 86.93 which means that when viewed from the satisfaction index criteria 0.81-100 assessment obtained is very satisfied. The calculation results found in SERVQUAL by comparing the average level of expectations and the average level of performance in 5 dimensions Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Emphaty obtained an average expectation level of 4.14, 4.35 performance level, and gap 0.21 which means that members are very satisfied with the services provided.