Pengaruh Variasi Diameter Katup Limbah Dan Katup Penghantar Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Pompa Hidram
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Universitas Islam Riau
Agustian, Alan
TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery 
2022-04-13 07:40:40 
Abstract :
A hidram pump is a pump that does not require outside drive energy such as a drive motor. This pump utilizes the energy ed by the flow of water with the help of two one-way valves. The valve is the most important component in this pump in the absence of this valve then the pump cannot work as it should. Because the valve is one of the main components in this pump, the author tries to vary the diameter of the valve to know the effect that occurs on the pump's work. This test varies the diameter of the delivery valve and the diameter of the waste valve sized 1.25cm, 1,905cm, and 2.54cm. from the result of the variation in diameter in the get parameters that affect the performance of the hydraram pump, the result of the test is the larger the waste katub and the delivery valve then the greater the discharge that is ed. The smallest amount of waste discharge is 0.000010 (m3/s) at the diameter of the waste valve 1.27cm and the delivery valve 1.27cm, the smallest number of beats 81 (beats/minute) municipal waste valve diameter 1.27cm and delivery valve 1.27cm, largest yield discharge 0.000042 m3/s at waste valve diameter 2.54cm and delivery valve diameter 2.54cm. the largest flow speed is 0.53 m/s at 2.54cm waste valve diameter and 2.54cm delivery valve diameter. and the highest efficiency is 12.8% contained in the diameter of the waste valve 1,905cm and the diameter of the delivery valve 2.54cm. 

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Universitas Islam Riau