Abstract :
The business of laying hens is an activity to start laying hens starting from seedlings (DOC) to rejects. Silam Village, Kuok Subdistrict, Kampar Regency is one of the villages that conducts laying hens in Kampar Regency. This study aims to analyze: (1) Characteristics of breeders and profile of laying hens, (2) Cultivation techniques, use of production factors, production costs, income and business efficiency, (3) Break Event Points (BEP) in chicken farms laying races and (4) Channels, institutions, costs, margins and marketing efficiency of laying hens. The method used in this study uses a purposive sampling method. This research was conducted for 5 months from December 2018 until April 2019. The results showed that respondents had 40 years of age, 12 years of breeders' education, 4 family dependents, 4 years of experience in laying hens. Laying chicken farm business was founded in 2015 until now, the scale of the business is medium business scale. The number of workers used is 4 people, and 1 livestock owner. Laying chicken farms are counted in one harvest period, which is 24 months, where 5 months of maturity of chickens and 19 months of productive period of chickens to produce eggs. The total costs used in one production period amounted to Rp 1,964,029,800.00, consisting of a variable cost of Rp 1,818,304,000 and a fixed cost of Rp 145,725,800. Production of 1,877,010 eggs / production period, with a selling price of Rp 1,200 / eggs so that the gross income of Rp 2,252,412,000 / production period, chicken manure sales of Rp 55,200,000 / production period and rejected chicken sales of Rp 168,000,000 / period production. Total gross income of Rp 2,475,612,000 / production period and net income of Rp 511,582,200 / production period. RCR 1.26> 1, which means that the chicken poultry business is feasible.