Abstract :
Problems that are often encountered in old wells are decreased strength of cement bonds, decreased oil production, and excessive water production. The reduced strength of the cement bonds will create a gap in the cement behind the casing which causes fluids from other zones to enter through the gaps and affect the production zone. This problem can be prevented by squeeze cementing or re-cementing it at a certain target depth. The purpose of this study was to assess the design of squeeze cementing, cement bond log (CBL) and variable density log (VDL), oil production rate and water cut after squeeze cementing. The method chosen in this study is the hesitate method, because this method can dry the cement, so that squeeze cementing can be done optimally. The difference in this method compared to other methods is in the cementing procedure. After the squeeze cementing work was carried out, it was seen that the number of cement sacks used in the X and Y wells were 99 sacks and 41 sacks, respectively. The assessment of CBL and VDL data after squeeze cementing is dominant with good bonding value but it is not optimal because there is still a bad bonding interval which causes the cement to be less than perfect. The performance of oil production in wells X and Y has increased and decreased water cut. At well X, the production rate increased by 24 bbl / d and the water cut decreased by 4.76% compared to before the squeeze cementing work was carried out. At well Y, the production rate increased by 6 bbl / d and the water cut decreased by 0.37%.