Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Pembersihan Lahan Perkebunan Masyarakat Yang Terkotaminasi Minyak Bumi (TTM) Di Desa Minas Jaya Kecamatan Minas Oleh PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
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Universitas Islam Riau
Tambunan, Pawer Star
K Law (General) 
2022-04-13 07:41:41 
Abstract :
The implementation of the agreement to clean up community plantation lands contaminated with petroleum (TTM) in Minas Jaya Village, Minas District is an agreement made with the community in Minas Jaya Village with PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia, however, in implementing the agreement it still has not used the aspect of transparency in determining the price so that it is felt that there is no justice between one community and another because based on the author's survey in the field there are many price imbalances given by PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia, then after the agreement was agreed, there were still many obstacles in the field. The main problem is related to How to Implement Agreement to Clean Up Community Plantation Land Contaminated with Petroleum (TTM) in Minas Jaya Village, Minas District By PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia, and What Are the Constraints in Implementing the Work to Clean Up Community Plantation Land Contaminated with Petroleum (TTM) in Minas Jaya Village, Minas District By PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia. This type of research is observational research, namely by means of surveys or visiting directly to the research location using data collection tools, namely interviews and questionnaires. Meanwhile, it is descriptive in nature The results showed that the Implementation of the Agreement to Clean Up Community Plantation Land Contaminated with Petroleum (TTM) in Minas Jaya Village, Minas District by PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia is not running optimally because of the agreement made with the community, the company has not used the transparency aspect in determining the price so that the compensation value is not evenly distributed even though the area of land in the community is the same area so that it is felt that it does not have justice between one community and another. then the agreement made within the time of its completion also has no certainty even though the work limit has been set for 36 months, and Constraints in Implementing Work to Clean Up Community Plantation Land Contaminated with Petroleum (TTM) in Minas Jaya Village, Minas District By PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia is the difficulty in determining an agreement regarding the value of compensation to be given because the community asks for a high price, when the work is carried out there is resistance from the community who have not given their land permission to be cleared and sometimes the land area does not match the certificate of ownership from the community and not all people in Minas Jaya Village who participated in clearing the land. 

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Universitas Islam Riau