Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to analyze the work motivation of employees at the Republic of Indonesia Radio Public Broadcasting Agency Pekanbaru in increasing work motivation. The formulation of the problem in this study is how is the work motivation of employees at the Public Radio Institute of the Republic of Indonesia Pekanbaru. This research uses descriptive method that uses primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews / interviews and research questionnaires. The respondents taken were 31 people who were employees who were not Civil Servants (PBPNS). The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. From the results of descriptive analysis it can be concluded that the work motivation of employees at the Public Broadcasting Institute of the Republic of Indonesia Radio Pekanbaru seen from internal and external work motivation with several sub-indicators, it can be concluded that the internal work motivation with sub-indicators that have the highest indication is, there is feedback on the results of his work. The sub-indicator with the lowest indication is having a sense of pleasure at work. Whereas in external work motivation, sub indicators that have the highest indication are, opportunities for advancement or promotion. The sub-indicator with the lowest indication is working with wanting to get incentives. Based on these results, it can be concluded that work motivation at the Republic of Indonesia Radio Public Broadcasting Agency Pekanbaru is already good.