Abstract :
Agro-industry is sub system of agribusiness that processes raw materials from the agricultural sector to increase added value and create job opportunities. This study aims to analyze: 1) Characteristics of entrepreneurs and business profile of catfish fillet agroindustry; 2) The use of raw and ingredient materials, the use of labor, processing technology and the production process of catfish fillet processing; 3) Production costs, production, price, income, efficiency and added value of catfish fillet agro-industry. Research was conducted by using survey methods, case at CV. Graha Pratama fish Koto Mesjid Village District XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar Regency. During 5 (five) months from January to June 2018. The data collected consisted of primary and secondary data. The results showed that the age of the entrepreneur was 51 years, Level of education was 18 years (S2), 3 years of business experience, and a total of 4 family numbers. Catfish fillet agro-industry a micro-scale business. The use of catfish raw materials 200 kg/production process with a total production of 100 kg/process. The technology used were semi-modern and simple. Gross income per process Rp. 5,300,000.00. Net income per process was Rp 1,327,766.81 with the RCR value was 1.33 and an added value of Rp 7,899.34 / Kg.