Abstract :
Urban farming (urban agriculture) is an alternative farming in increasing urban food security, employment generation, increasing income and poverty alleviation and fostering community independence. One attempt to do urban farming is hydroponics. This study aims to analyze: (1) characteristics of employers and labors and business profile, (2) management of urban farming hydroponic vegetables, including: technology of cultivation, production factors, production costs, production, prices, gross income, net income, business efficiency, (3) strategic development urban farming hydroponic vegetables ?Pekanbaru Green Farm?. This research was conducted by using survey methods, case at ?Pekanbaru Green Farm? in Labuh Baru Timur Urban Village Payung Sekaki Sub District Pekanbaru City during the 6 (six) months from February to July 2019. Respondents were taken by census of 3 (three) peoples. The data source consisted of secondary and primary data, analyzed by using farm management analysis and PESTLE analysis. The results showed that the average age of employers and labors was 33.33 years. The average length of education of employers and labors were 13.33 years, family number only a person, business experience was 3 years. The scale of urban farming hydroponic vegetable was a small and individual business. Hydroponic cultivation technology has been carried out in accordance with the theory of hydroponic cultivation with the DFT (Deep Flow Technique) system. Amount of labor was 9.69 HOK in one production cycle. The total cost of production per cycle was Rp 9.541.801, total production was 266,88 kg, gross income was Rp 11.958.363, net income was Rp 2.416.562. RCR was 1,25, means that each Rp 1,00 of the costs incurred for urban farming hydroponic vegetables will get a profit of Rp 0,25, then hydroponic farming profitable. External factors that affect development of urban farming hydroponic vegetables based on PESTLE analysis include: (1) opportunities: local and government regulations, markets, demographics and education levels, prices and technological developments, advertising and infrastructure, (2) threats: income tax, inflation rate, lifestyle, technology investment costs, business licenses and climate and weather. The strategies that can be applied are: (1) increasing the volume of vegetable production and making tax planning, (2) maintaining and enhancing cooperation with modern markets, (3) maintaining and improving product positioning for consumers, (4) utilizing the technology and set a sales price of more effective and efficient, (5) increasing the intensity of promotions that are more attractive and seeking business licenses from the government, (6) improving the quality of infrastructure and implementing green urban development to anticipate climate and weather changes.