Abstract :
Traffic violations are violations that cause accidents for each violator, these violations can be carried out by adults and can also be committed by minors. Violations committed by minors certainly have a lot of impact on the child, these minors are not only committing vehicle violations, such as being involved in a traffic accident because they do not comply with the rules, of course in the accident there will be a process between the crasher and the person who was hit. . In this process, minors will of course be processed using the peace process as the traffic violator is still a minor, this is in line with the theory that the researcher uses where in the diversion process, the handling of children is transferred outside the court process, children are handled with an informal process to prevent unwanted things from happening in the judicial process. The research was conducted using qualitative research methods with descriptive research type. Sources and types of data in this study are primary data obtained from field studies by conducting interviews with the upstream Siak Police Station, the community, children (traffic offenders), secondary data obtained from literature studies. The data obtained is then processed and then analyzed and presented in a narrative manner. Based on the data obtained, more accurate final conclusions can be drawn. Based on research and analysis, it can be concluded that the application of diversion for cases of children who commit traffic violations such as not having a driver's license, not wearing a helmet, violating a red light and also hitting other vehicle users causing harm to the victim can be effectively resolved by diversion, and not burdensome between the perpetrator and the victim