Abstract :
Advances in communication and information technology at this time not only make users passive to pornography, with the convenience provided allows someone to make their own pornography. Sending, receiving, and exchanging messages with sexual content in the form of writing, pictures, or videos via social media is no longer a taboo subject, this condition is known as sexting. The problem arises when technological advances that are expected to contribute to aspects of adolescent social life are misused for negative behavior, namely sexting. The purpose of this study was to describe sexting behavior in adolescents in Pekanbaru City in 2020. The method used in this study was a qualitative method with a descriptive type. It was concluded that sexting behavior in adolescents in Pekanbaru City was due to the communication pattern that was built between the resource person and his communication partner on social media. Forms of sexting behavior carried out between individuals and groups such as sending symbols in the form of pornographic stickers and pornographic content in their social media groups so that there is a response from members of the group. While the form of sexting behavior between individuals such as having suggestive and explicit conversations and continuing to send sexy photos to their communication partners or partners. Sexting is also considered as a form of joke during the communication process to melt the situation.