Analisis Usaha Agroindustri Kerupuk Kulit Sapi Di Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru (kasus Pada Usaha "Mamak Kito")
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Universitas Islam Riau
Situmorang, Siska Uli
S Agriculture (General) 
2022-04-18 08:58:14 
Abstract :
Agro-industry business is a type of business that is engaged in processing an ingredient into other materials with different shapes and characteristics and has added value. This study aims to analyze: 1) Respondent characteristics and business profile, 2) Use of raw materials, labor technology, and production processes, calculation of Cost, production, price, income, efficiency, Break Event Point (BEP) of business and 3)added value obtained by Crackers Agroindustry Business Mamak Kito Cowhide in Tampan District, Pekanbaru City. The study used a case survey method in the Mamak Kito cowhide cracker agroindustry business in Tampan District, Pekanbaru City. The study was conducted for six months, from May 2019 to October 2019. Respondents in this study were entrepreneurs and 4 workers. Furthermore, this study was analyzed descriptively qualitatively, which is describing business analysis and quantitative analysis in the form of value added calculations using the Hayami method. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the characteristics of entrepreneurs with entrepreneur age are 62 years. 6 years old entrepreneur education, 12 years entrepreneur experience. The liability of a family of 4 entrepreneurs. The profile of Mamak Kito's cowhide cracker agroindustry was established in 2007 until now. The scale of the business carried out is a small scale. The amount of wealth capital owned by Mamak Kito's business is Rp. 105,117,354. The average use of cow leather raw material is 164 kg/production process. The use of supporting materials is Rp. 1,484,400/production process. The use of labor is 11.88 HOK/production process. While the technology used in the Mamak Kito cowhide cracker agroindustry is traditional technology. The total production cost in processing the Mamak Kito cowhide cracker agroindustry is Rp. 7,904,813/production process. The resulting product is 102.5 kg/production process with a selling price of 90,000/kg. The gross income per production process received by the entrepreneur is Rp. 9,225,000 and net income of Rp. 1,337,587/production process. The efficiency of the Mamak Kito cowhide cracker agroindustry (RCR) is 1.17. Break Event Point (BEP) of the Mamak Kito cowhide cracker agroindustry business based on unit production is 87.94 kg and BEP based on price is Rp. 77,212. The added value obtained from processing cowhide into cowhide crackers is Rp. 10,768/kg with a valueadded ratio of 19.14%. So Kito's Mamak business is worth developing next. 

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Universitas Islam Riau