Penanganan Pasca Panen Sayuran Di Kelurahan Maharatu Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai Kota Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Suhandoyo, Suhandoyo
S Agriculture (General) 
2022-04-18 08:58:27 
Abstract :
Vegetables are horticultural products that are easily damaged (rotten) so that handling is needed starting from harvesting, cleaning and transporting, sorting, welding ( grading ), packaging and marketing . So the quality can be maintained up to consumers, and farmers can get a selling price better. Various studies explain that loss h Vegetable acrid can reach 20 - 4 0% due to handling of harvest and postharvest not right yet. This study aims to analyze: 1) B how about that characteristics of spinach and kale farmers in Exo . Maharatu Kec. Marpoyan Peace City Pekanbaru ; 2) For whoa analyzing the post handling process harvest starts from harvesting, cleaning, sorting, grading , packaging and marketing ; 3) K crop yields vegetable spinach and kale in Exod. Maharatu District Marpoyan Peace Pekanbaru City . This research using method survey in Exo Maharatu Kec. Marpoyan Peace City Pekanbaru for 5 (five ) month starting month August 2019 to December 2019 . Data collected consists from primary and secondary data. Ha research shows average farmer - average 42 year . 7.5-year education level ( not pass Middle school). Business experience for 12.8 years, and the number of family dependents flat - flat 4 souls. In Thing harvest handling (days) 97.61% right and 2, 38% no t epat, handling the harvest (hours) 85.71% correct and 14.29% incorrect, cleaning 7.15% correct and 92.85% incorrect, collecting 85.71% correct and 14.29 incorrect, sorting 90.47% correct and 9, 53% incorrect and 100 packaging .00 % right. Number of map percentages ni who have implemented SOP post harvest penengana harvest (days) 97.61%, harvest (hours) 85.71%, cleaning 7.14%, collection 85.71%, sorting 90, 47%, Welding ( grading ) 92.85%, packaging 92, 85%. Postharvest losses spinach pe r stem 0,00031 kg and water spinach 0, 0 0093 Kg. U for one spinach bed experience i lost 6.64 kg and spinach 11, 21 kg it is known that lost yields for water spinach by 8.22% and spinach by 5.44% lost yield of 1 kg of spinach 0.054 kg and for 1 kg water spinach kale trawl yields of 0.074 kg. 

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Universitas Islam Riau