Abstract :
This research aims to provide the task of the neighborhood association in carrying out his duties in the village of Buana Bhakti Subdistrict District Kerinci Kanan District Of Siak Regency and constraints. Neighborhood Association is a public institution formed through community deliberation and its existence will assist the village government in organizing the village government. As for the task of the neighborhood association is to help the realization of people's lives based on Pancasila and the Constitution 1945, mobilizing the Gotong royong, help the creation of tranquility and order, help disseminate and secure government programs, help the community service, make a report of performance results. The type of research that authors use is by qualitative method. The population in this study includes the village head, 6 pillars of citizens, 14 neighborhood association and 1,743 communities. The informant withdrawal technique that the authors use is a puposive sampling, with the consideration that the informant is persuaded to know and understand the problems and objectives of the study. The types of data used include primary data and secondary data. Primary data is collected with interview techniques and secondary data collected with observation techniques. While the data analysis technique used is to use a descriptive way. In conclusion of the evaluation of the implementation of neighborhood association in the village Buana Bhakti Subdistrict District Kerinci Kanan District of Siak Regency is at a less effective assessment interval.