Peranan Kelembagaan Penunjang Agribisnis Karet Rakyat Di Desa Logas Kecamatan Singingi Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
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Universitas Islam Riau
Wahyuda, Tri
S Agriculture (General) 
2022-04-15 07:14:29 
Abstract :
Agribusiness supporting institutions have their respective roles in developing agribusiness. The institutions analyzed in this study are government agencies, institutions providing production facilities and institutions marketing. This study aims to analyze (1) farmer characteristics community rubber (2) supporting institutions and their role in smallholder rubber agribusiness (3) the level of farmer satisfaction with institutional support for rubber agribusiness people in Logas Village, Singigi District, Kuantan Singingi Regency, against supporting institutions. The method in this study is a survey method. Tool The analysis uses the IPA and CSI methods. The sampling method used in this research is Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. The results of the study showed the average characteristics of rubber farmers aged 41 years, 9 years education or junior high school level, 15 years experience in farming and the number of family members is 4 people. Types and roles of institutions, institutions the government provides rocks to farmers in the form of rubber plant seeds. The government also provides counseling to rubber farmers, which is for six month. Institutional procurement and distribution of production facilities provide production facilities in the form of fertilizers and medicines, rubber farmers get it from saprotan stalls or stalls inside the village. Rubber marketing advice held by middlemen, so farmers sell ojol or the results of rubber leads to middlemen. The results of the IPA method are the attributes that are the top priority namely the quality attributes of seeds (1), completeness of production facilities (6), quality of facilities production (7) and selling price (12), the attributes that must be maintained are the attributes seed quantity (2), method of division (3), delivery of material (4), understanding material (5), availability of means of production (9), price of means of production (10), method middleman payment (13) and purchasing ability (14), and attributes excessive service is the method of payment of farmers (8) and conditions purchase (11). Payments for harvests are made directly on site, as well it's easy for rubber farmers to sell their produce to middlemen, because the middlemen do not give special conditions to the farmers inside the sale. The results of the CSI method attribute the institutional performance of facility providers rubber production and marketing in rubber farming by 87.35 percent or 0.8735 (very satisfied), that number identifies that in general rubber farmers have been satisfied with the institutional performance of rubber agribusiness. 

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Universitas Islam Riau