Peran Pendamping Desa Dalam Membantu Tugas Kepala Desa Di Desa Resang Kecamatan Singkep Selatan Kabupaten Lingga
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Universitas Islam Riau
Asmar, Andika
JS Local government Municipal government 
2022-04-15 07:14:43 
Abstract :
Permendes No. 3 of 2015 concerning Village Facilitators is a form of the government's seriousness in realizing these nawa ideals. One of these things happened in Resang Village, South Singkep District, Lingga Regency where the role of village assistants still has not enabled the village to be independent, increase capacity and capability, and empower village communities which have not been seen concretely. Methodologically this assessment was conveyed by the researcher as the basis for the conclusion of the study on "The Role of Village Facilitators in Assisting the Tasks of the Village Head in Resang Village, Singkep Selatan District, Lingga Regency". With a qualitative analysis using the grand theory according to Levinson which divides into 4 indicators about the role. The results of theory testing according to the four indicators are (1) Technically the role of village facilitators is only limited to facilitators, but ethically has not been able to provide positive changes both in strengthening the capacity, capacity of the village government and also empowering the village community. South Singkep District Resang. (2) Village assistants are still not able to attract interest or foster participation from the Resang Village community. (3) Based on Permendes No. 3 of 2015 concerning village assistants, for the past four years village assistants have not been able to become the spearhead of the final goal of this village regulation, because both the Resang Village government and the community have not experienced a surplus in capacity and capability. (4) The implementation of the tasks of village assistants who experience stagnation, does not make village assistants a surplus of innovations and breakthroughs that are oriented towards the success of the task of empowering the Resang Village community. The main factor constraint is the constraint of mentoring, namely, the majority of people who have a low level of education. Resang Because they do not have the competence and basic education in accordance with the position held, this is one of the triggers for the inability of the Resang Village government to produce village administration documents. 

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Universitas Islam Riau