Agribisnis Perikanan Di Kelurahan Air Dingin Kecamatan Bukit Raya Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Pada Usaha Ikan Salai Sedap)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Sipahutar, Yanti
S Agriculture (General) 
2022-04-15 07:14:51 
Abstract :
Agribusiness oriented agricultural is the goal of agricultural development today. The success of the development of salai fish uses the agribusiness approach. This study aims to analyze : (1) Characteristics of entrepreneurs and business ptofile of savory salted fish (2) subsystem of providing production facilities (3) farming subsystem (4) agroindustry subsystem (5) marketing subsystem (6) supporting subsystem. The research was conducted for 6 month, march to august 2019. The method use by the survey. Primary and secondary data used. The result showed that the characteristics of entrepreneur and marketers including the productive age group were an average age of 41,14 years, the level education of entrepreneurs in years (bachelor), 12 years employees (high scholl) and marketer 15 years (D3), 9 years of entrepreneurial experience and an average marketer of 6,4 years and the average family burden is two people. Fram production cist worth Rp. 29.334.146,67/production proses to produce as many catfish as 2.375 Kg and catfish as much as 1900 Kg. the selling price of catfish Rp 14.500/and catfish Rp 16.500/Kg. the revenue generated from fresh fish production is Rp 65.787.500,-/production process with a net profit of Rp 36.297.283,32/production process and the RCR value is 2,23. The production technologi used is still simple. Production cost in agroindustry salai fish of Rp 5.528.956,04/production process with catfish 37,5 Kg. Added value of catfish in worth Rp 7.933,70/Kg of raw material and are from producers to retailer then to end consumers. As a whole the entrepreneur carriers out the marketing function. The total marketing cost of Rp 4.565,33/Kg, marketing margin of catfish Rp 28.940,-/Kg and catfish of Rp 30.000,-/Kg and the marketing efficiency level are RCR of catfish of 20,14% and catfish of 25,18%. Supporting factors such as those supporting the business activities of these savory salai fish, namely financial and transportation institutions. 

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Universitas Islam Riau