Abstract :
This study aims to determine and analyze the function of the Village Unit Cooperative in Empowering Smallholder Oil Palm Farmers (KUD UUO Harapan Jaya Study, Rimba Beringin Village, Tapung Hulu District, Kampar Regency), the assessment indicators used includeor Facilitation (EnablingEnabling), Strengthening (Empowering), and Protection (Protecting). This type of research, which is located in Rimba Beringin Village, Tapung Hulu District, uses a quantitative descriptive, which uses a questionnaire as a data collection tool, and this questionnaire data is used as a tool to analyze. The sample population in this study amounted to 30 people, the types and techniques of data collection used consisted of, primary data collected by questionnaires and interviews, and secondary data collected using observation. While the sampling technique used is using purposive sampling technique. In this study, it was found that there is still a lack of function in the guidance carried out for members of farmer groups so that the lack of understanding given causes a lack of knowledge of farmers about their agricultural land, one of which is the development of gardens and also lack of understanding in using information technology, most farmers are not fully able to access the internet. obtain information on how to increase the productivity of plantation land, the lack of education level, that the results of researchers in farmer education are different, namely in fertilization that there are still agricultural lands that want to be fertilized but some do not, then in harvesting fruit it is recommended to harvest fruit that is ripe but many harvest immature fruit so that it is not optimal, the function within the structure of the UUO Harapan Jaya KUD does not have a clear vision and mission because the vision and mission is very important to achieve goals. So the researchers assessed and concluded that the Village Unit Cooperative Function in Empowering Smallholder Oil Palm Farmers (KUD UUO Harapan Jaya Study, Rimba Beringin Village, Tapung Hulu District, Kampar Regency) was categorized as Powerful Enough. For the sake of implementing good results, it is necessary to improve the Coaching Function and Knowledge Training and the ability of members to match the goals to be achieved.