Uji Beberapa Jenis Pupuk Organik Dan Dosis Pupuk TSP Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Umairoh, Erni
S Agriculture (General) 
2022-04-18 09:54:54 
Abstract :
This research has been carried out in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University. Marpoyan Peace. Conducted in May - July 2019. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of interactions and the main types of organic fertilizer and TSP doses on the growth and production of shallots. The experimental design uses two factorial complete random designs. The first factor is several types of organic fertilizer (factor U), 4 levels of treatment, namely without organic fertilizer (U0), chicken manure (U1), kascing (U2) and trichocompost (U3). The second factor is TSP fertilizer (factor P) 4 levels, namely (0), (7.5), (15), (22.5) g / plot. The observed parameters were plant height, age of harvest, number of tubers per clump, wet tuber weight per clump, dry tuber weight per clump, tuber weight per tuber and tuber weight loss. Observation data were analyzed statistically and continued with BNJ further tests at the 5% level. The results showed the interaction between organic fertilizer and TSP significantly on plant height, harvest age, number of tubers per clump, tuber weight per clump, wet tuber weight per clump, dry tuber weight per clump, tuber weight per tuber, tuber weight loss. The best combination of the type of fertilizer is 1 kg / plot chicken manure and 15 g / plot TSP (U1P2). The main effect of several types of organic fertilizer is evident on all parameters. The best treatment of 1 kg chicken plot / plot (U1). The main effect of the TSP fertilizer dose was evident on all parameters. The best treatment is a TSP dose of 15 g / plot (P2). 

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Universitas Islam Riau