Pengaruh Kreativitas Guru Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Yaqubiyah Gunung Tua Kabupaten Padang Utara
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Universitas Islam Riau
Siregar, Jerly Yati
BV1460 Religious Education 
2022-04-18 09:54:59 
Abstract :
This study is motivated by a lack of students? motivation at MTs Yaqubiyah Gunung Tua. The subject of this study is the students in class VIII at MTs Yaqubiyah Gunung Tua. While the object of this study is the influence of teachers? creativity on students? learning motivation. The data collection techniques used are questionnaires and documentation. The type of this study is a quantitative correlation study. This study is motivated by the signs of low motivation to learn. The problem formulation of this study is the influence of teachers? creativity on students? learning motivation at MTs Yaqubiyah Gunung Tua. The population of this study is all students of MTs Yaqubiyah Gunung Tua, totaling 143 students and the sample taken is 43 students. This study has two variables, namely Teachers? Creativity (variable X), and Students? Learning Motivation (variable Y). The results of this study show that the influence of teachers? creativity on students? learning motivation at MTs Yaqubiyah Gunung Tua is `` Low '', it can be seen from the results of the 22 windows SPSS statistical data processing that a significance value of simple regression analysis obtained is less than 0.05, namely 0.001. <0.05, then Ha is accepted Ho is rejected. The level of influence between the teachers? creativity (variable X) and the students? learning motivation (variable Y) is 0.407, which is included in the level of influence of 0.20-0.399, or at a low level. Meanwhile, the remaining 63.8 is influenced by other variables which are not examined in this study. In conclusion, the influence of teachers? creativity on students? learning motivation at MTs Yaqubiyah Gunung Tua, Padang Lawas Utaran Regency is in the category of "Low". 

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Universitas Islam Riau